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JAVA/Coding Test Study

[Bronze V] 백준 - 1809. Moo : Golfscript

by ♡˖GYURI˖♡ 2023. 12. 19.

1809번: Moo

You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, produce the following ascii cow.





문제 : You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, produce the following ascii cow.


(o o)____/
 @@      \\
  \\ ____,/
  //   //
 ^^   ^^"



골프스크린이라는 언어를 처음 봐서 당황했지만, "" 안에 출력하고 싶은 내용을 작성하면 끝인 쉬운 문제였다.