2377번: Pottery
3D printing is becoming more and more prominent in today’s society. Unfortunately, you don’t currently have access to a 3D printer. Instead, you can just print an item with your knowledge of coding! Print a clay pot.
문제 : 3D printing is becoming more and more prominent in today’s society. Unfortunately, you don’t currently have access to a 3D printer. Instead, you can just print an item with your knowledge of coding! Print a clay pot.
출력 : Output the pot exactly as shown in the example output. There are no blank lines before or after the output, and there are no trailing spaces on any of the lines.
예제 :
\_ _/
\ /
| |
/ \
/ \
| |
| \-/ \-/ |
print " _________"
print " \_ _/"
print " \ /"
print " | |"
print " / \"
print " / \"
print " | |"
print "/---------\"
print "| \-/ \-/ |"
print "\---------/"
print " \_______/"
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